Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Playing Tetris - Week 2

I am playing along with Melissa's Tetris Quilt-a-long at Happy Quilting.
It's so much fun putting these together.  Instead of using white for the background, I am using black with a few owls mixed in.


My regular sewing machine is getting serviced this week, so I pieced this using my Singer 301.  It's super nice to have a backup machine, and I really enjoy being able to use my grandma's old Singer.


Here is my completed block for Week 2:



  1. I love how you fussy cut the owl for one of the dark spaces. Very cool! I started following your blog as well :)

  2. Looks great :) I just love those owls :)

  3. So cool...great idea to use the owls...you are very wise :)

  4. I like how you mixed fabrics of the same color. I thought about that but just didn't have enough of the brighter colors I wanted to use.

    I use a 301 as my travel machine. Just got a second one to paint red! I love them.
